Hear2Hear is a nonprofit organization that is proud to offer our annual Black History event. This free event will focus on moments in Black history. Program Highlights: A Tribute to the Union Colored Troops: The Battle of New Market Heights. · Presentation of Colors: Franklin Military Academy, Richmond Public Schools. · Presentation: The Battle of New Markets Heights and the Union Colored Troops By: James Price. The Battle of New Market Heights Association
U.S. Colored Troop Reenactors presented by the Reformed 23rd Regiment, U.S. Colored Troops
Viewing of the premier new short film: Unchaining Memories · A Community Conversation following the short film regarding the film and the status of Black History in the Richmond, VA and Henrico County. Hosted by: Alicia Atkins, VA House of Delegate Candidate for the 81st District
Interactive Exhibits: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm The Here2Hear Indoor Accessible Richmond Slave Trail. The Victory of Freedom from Richmond to Henrico County: The Battle of New Market Heights and the Story of the U.S Colored Troops Light refreshments will be served. Thank you to our community partner, The Virginia Museum of History and Culture. https://virginiahistory.org/ Sign language interpreters will be available during the event. If you require accommodations, please email requests to here2_hear@aol.com at least 2 weeks prior to the event to allow time to fulfill reasonable requests.