You love spoken-word poetry? Are you a slam poet? Want to perform at or judge a poetry slam? Try your hand at the premier poetry competition in Richmond!
$10 admission Doors open at 7pm Show at 8pm
Hosted by Roscoe Burnems with tunes by DJ Kinfolk
Rules #InTheDen - There are 3 elimination rounds. All registered poets will compete in the first round, the top scores will move forward in the competion that night. We start with a maximum of 10 poets. 7 move on to the second round. 4 move on to the last round
-Each round is clean slate. We do not add the scores together from previous rounds
-Poems must be your original work
-poems are scored by 5 judges on a scale of 0.0 to 10.0. the highest and lowest scores are dropped. The three remaining score are totaled giving a poet their score for that round. the highest score a poem can receive is a 30.
-The order of performances is determined during the slam via a random draw. The host will pull names out of a hat each round
-poets get the maximum amount of 3 minutes and 10 seconds to perform. anything second over that results in a 0 for that round. The time starts once the poet engages the audience either by addressing the crowd verbally or doing a purposeful movement that infers the performance has started.
-no props are allowed onstage. you may read from a page or device but do not make reference to the page or device because it will be considered a prop at that point. violation of the prop rule will result in disqualification
- winner of that night will receive a small cash prize.
contact Roscoe Burnems or DM @thewritersdenrva on IG for more info