Hanover County Historic Sites


Immerse yourself in early American history in Hanover County!

Tour Scotchtown, the family home of Virginia's first governor, one of Hanover County‘s most famous former residents: Patrick Henry. Visit Hanover Courthouse Complex, where this spirited orator successfully argued the 1763 Parson's Cause Case against the British crown as well as Hanover Tavern, once the home to Henry and his wife Sarah. Learn about the unique physical and cultural history of the Town of Ashland at the Ashland Museum. Rejoice in one of the nation's most fundamental civil liberties at Historic Polegreen Church, birthplace of the Great Awakening of religious freedom, led by Samuel Davies and the Hanover Dissenters. Pay tribute to the U.S. military at Richmond National Battlefield, which has four sites commemorating Civil War battles. Immerse yourself in Hanover County's rich history!

Historic Sites and Museums

Explore the history of Hanover County and plan your trip back in time.