Richbrau Brewing Co.
Visit WebsiteAbout
With a nod to those who came before, Richbrau Brewing in Shockoe Bottom, rises within the most historic area of Richmond, Virginia. The land from 18th Street to 25th Street and from the banks of the James River to Broad Street, is the original settlement of Richmond, founded in 1737.
Where we are, is part of who we are. With a passion for adventurous brewing and a love of all things Richmond, we celebrate our history with enticing recipes and name them after the most intriguing stories to come out of our great city.
Stop by, sit back, and experience the flavor in a glorious mash-up of past & present.
Safety and Social Protocols
- CDC Recommended Cleaning Procedures:
- Hand Wash/Sanitizer Stations:
- Limited Elevator Occupancy:
- Mobile Payments Accepted:
- No Contact Services:
- Social Distance Markings/Signage:
- Curbside Pick Up Available:
- Drive Thru Available:
Personal Protection
- Masks Provided:
- Masks Required-Staff: