Kid-Friendly Activities in Richmond, Virginia
The awesome kid experience, only in the Richmond Region
Okay, Mom and Dad, it’s up to you to make those childhood memories happen. So here’s how. Bring the kids to the Richmond Region, and get them running through beautiful parks with petting zoos, river walks and nature trails. Biking river-side on the Virginia Capital Trail. Playing like a champ at the Science Museum of Virginia, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and any of Richmond’s three Children’s Museum locations. Walking through Carytown and trying rolled ice cream. Cruising through downtown on a Riverfront Canal Cruise. Checking out the hippos, lions, cheetahs, orangutans and zip lines at Metro Richmond Zoo, and posing for snaps in front of 100+ murals. They can see where and how Pocahontas actually lived. And in between all that, you can all refuel at kid-friendly restaurants, hang out in kid-friendly hotels, laugh, crash and do it all again the next day. Hmmm. Maybe you need to work in a little nap time.