Virginia State Capitol and Executive Mansion
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The Capitol has wheelchair accessible restrooms, ramps and elevators.
Private vehicles with disabled parking placards are able to park and unload passengers on Bank Street just east of the intersection with 10th Street. There are four accessible parking spaces (two-hour limit) reserved for Capitol visitors, which can be reached by driving north on 10th Street and turning right onto Bank Street. Map of the Parking Facility
Those who need accessibility accommodations and are arriving via a passenger vehicle can call (804) 389-5338 and arrange for drop-off inside Capitol Square. Paid parking for Capitol Square visitors is available from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. Monday through Friday in the 9th and Franklin Street Parking Deck.
The Executive Mansion is also wheelchair accessible.
- Attraction Fee: Free.
- Distance to Airport: 9.1 miles
- Hours (General Information): 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 1-4 p.m. Sunday. Call for tour information and reservations.
- Reception Capacity 150
- Theatre Capacity 125
- Banquet Capacity 130
- Number of Rooms 5
Senate Room 3
- Theater Capacity: 125
- Classroom Capacity: 100
- Banquet Capacity: 130
- Reception Capacity: 150
House Room 3
- Theater Capacity: 125
- Classroom Capacity: 100
- Banquet Capacity: 130
- Reception Capacity: 150
- Reception Capacity: 100
Old Senate Chamber
- Banquet Capacity: 40
- Reception Capacity: 75
Jefferson Room
- Banquet Capacity: 40
- Reception Capacity: 75